Freedom Pass loss could be a ‘final straw’

Published: 26th May, 2011

• AS most severely mentally ill people in Camden are aware, Freedom Passes are being invalidated at the end of the month despite a 2015 expiry date.  

The council are able to do it simply by inputting a new expiry date so there’s no getting around it if we believe the propaganda.  Actually, I will continue trying to use mine because I think it might be a game of bluff: is the technology really in place? One council in the north east has already backed down and it will be extremely expensive to pay out compensation to the thousands of mentally ill people affected. 

This idea to save money is one that will come back to haunt everyone who has played a part in implementing it or who has failed to protest. 

Having a Freedom Pass is one of the most treasured things in most of my bipolar friends’ possession. When we feel unwell because of crowds, noise, anxiety attacks, or forget to buy something because medications affect our memory, when we want to go to a support group or drop-in centre, whatever the reason, a Freedom Pass is one of the few compensations for anyone who has to live a life contending with severe mental illness. 

To have it taken away, will be the final straw for many. Being unable to afford to go out, having to decide if food or travel is more important will be the reason this badly thought-out cost-cutting will come back to bite Camden. Losing my pass is another loss to an already diminished quality of life.


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