Why keep press out?

Published: 4 March, 2011

• A LEAFLET has been handed out to members of Sotheby Mews day centre for the elderly from Age Concern regarding its planned closure on March 31. 

I was astonished to read the following extract from the leaflet: “Age Concern will not agree to any further filming/press visits to the centre before March 31. These are very time consuming and distract from the main priorities.”  

The reason for this decision was that apparently the staff would be too busy to cope with these visits. 

I would like to point out that the staff have had  very little to do with such previous visits. I was informed by the management that they could take no part in these activities as they were employees and I respected and understood this position. 

Therefore, it was the responsibility of the members to arrange such visits and to deal with them. 

I have arranged such a visit by a reporter from the Tribune to look around the centre  and interview a few of its members, when its threatened closure was being brought to public attention. I accompanied him throughout his tour.

As far as I could determine, the greatest distraction was when players were asked to look up from their bingo books to be photographed.

Perhaps, after the recent demonstrations by Unison and marchers against the cuts outside the Town Hall and within Islington council chamber, there is a very real fear by those in authority of reaction by people who question or object to the severity of these cuts. 

My opinion is that Age Concern/Islington Council want as little publicity as possible regarding the closure of Sotheby Mews and feel that its members should just quietly resign themselves to its demise.

We have listened to David Cameron speaking of the Big Society. Perhaps he should also advocate an Open Society when film/press are encouraged to report on what is happening in the community.

Member of Sotheby Mews Centre
Sotheby Road, N5  


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