So when you are old, they take away your meals and exercise
Published: 24 March, 2011
• I AM glad to hear that Camden Council have decided not to buy tickets for the Olympics 2012 to give to young people – as other boroughs are doing – considering it a waste of money.
Like the waste of thousand of pounds for fireworks to celebrate 500 days to the Olympics.
At the same time my mother’s exercise class will stop in about 100 days because of the closure of The Millman Centre.
That’s in addition to five well-balanced meals she enjoys there each week in the company of her friends
It seems that a healthy lifestyle, which is constantly being promoted on television, in glossy magazines, leaflets and so on, using taxpayers’ money, doesn’t actually count enough when you get beyond a certain age.
When your body and mind need the most support, it is unceremoniously snatched away from you. Stop the waste and you could afford the important things.
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