No to high speed arrogance
Published: 24 March, 2011
• I REMAIN astonished at Camden Council’s refusal to come out against HS2.
HS2 is threatening to pull down over 300 local homes in west Euston and to turn the centre of Camden into a building site for eight years, while blighting property throughout the borough.
It has failed to inform those affected, is not holding a consultation in west Euston, and disgracefully failed to send anyone to speak at Tuesday’s heavily attended meeting in Regent’s Park ward.
As it became clear during that meeting, HS2 has treated the council itself with equal contempt.
What more does HS2, which has been widely criticised in the press as a white elephant with no good business or environmental case, have to do to make the council come off the fence? If HS2 has a case, it needs to persuade people, not arrogantly assume consent. Until HS2 treats Camden and its people with due respect its elected representatives should make their disgust at its attitude crystal clear.
This was urged unanimously on councillors both at the meeting and at the equally well attended meeting in Primrose Hill.
HS2 is only attractive to those who have not examined its flawed credentials. The council and its leaders have a duty to defend the interests and to respect the expressed wishes of its citizens. It has no need to wait for more information before making up its mind. The threat to Camden is blindingly obvious.
It should declare itself against HS2 without further delay.
Pan-Camden HS2 Alliance
Another route
• AS a railway enthusiast, perhaps I have missed something, but nobody seems to point out that there already exists the start of a high speed line to Birmingham, that would have no effect on Camden.
The Great Western Railway used to run expresses from Paddington to Birmingham. This line, beyond Old Oak Common is to be used by HS2. Once Crossrail is opened, Paddington would have the spare platform capacity to handle the trains.
So why not use it?
Any alterations there would surely be less than alterations to Euston plus the cost of a tunnel to Old Oak Common!
Boundary Road, N22
Party choice
• I STRONGLY oppose the high speed rail link between Euston and Birmingham as it currently stands.
The plans could blight Primrose Hill for years and cause disruption to the surrounding area.
I am glad the Labour Party has said that it will look at the whole idea again. I call on the Conservatives do the same.
Labour, Camden Town with
Primrose Hill ward
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