Don’t ignore the views of the people in plans for our market

Main Image : 
Berwick Street market

Published: 18 March 2011

• WESTMINSTER City Council’s plan to sell the leasehold of the commercial property it owns alongside Berwick Street Market (Market stalled? March 11) is interesting, to say the least!

Everyone agrees that there could be improvements to the market and the surrounding area. 

Despite various efforts over some years, the council has not managed to achieve any significant change, which has frustrated many local people. 

It is clear why the idea of a commercial partner, providing expertise and funds, is attractive to Westminster.

However, there are potential problems. 

The interests of any commercial property company are bound to come into conflict, at least from time to time, with those of the many residents in the immediate vicinity. 

How will the council ensure that it protects the interests of the local community?

One answer is for Westminster to include conditions in the sale of the leasehold that meet the legitimate concerns of ordinary residents. 

This may limit the scope of the council’s commercial partner to some degree.

But it could be the key to progress which benefits all sections of the very mixed community that exists in Soho.

The council has run into problems before with plans for Berwick Street. 

We hope the lessons learned then will help to bring about a better outcome this time, and look forward to making a contribution.

Andrew Murray
Kemp House Residents’ Association
Berwick Street, W1 



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