Exciting ideas to transform our vision of a library’s use

Published: 30 June, 2011

• ALAN Bennett’s teenage memories (Our libraries must be run by the Town Hall… June 23) and Paul Perkins’s vision of what some new thinking might lead to for the future were aptly juxtaposed. 

Both put forward powerful arguments about the importance of libraries with pleas for Camden not to cast Heath, Chalk Farm and Belsize libraries asunder. 

Belsize has been thrown a possible lifeline by the Winchester Project which has come up with some genuinely innovative ideas which, given the support of a council prepared to think outside the box, could lead to establishing a vibrant community asset, an integral part of which would be a library.

The Belsize Residents’ Association has joined the Friends of Belsize Library in the “Battle for Belsize”, mindful that The Winch’s exciting ideas have huge potential for bringing a myriad other activities into the library in Antrim Road.

Dare we hope that councillors can grab this chance to be truly creative rather than destructive in deciding the future of our libraries and do something which could become a blueprint of which Camden would be proud and be copied all over the country?

Chair, Friends of Belsize Library

End of the book

• ALAN Bennett weakened his case when he cited children from flats who do not have a computer can use the computers in the library.

I firmly believe that libraries means books. I am saddened to see how the stock of books in libraries has gradually been depleted to provide for more and more computers. Not only does this apply to lending stock but alas also to the reference library upon which Mr Bennett rightly places such faith and importance. Sadly there will come a time when we will no longer have libraries of books but computer centres to the detriment of all but especially to the retired. 

If you want a glimpse of the future go to Chipping Barnet Library (both floors). If you query why a reference book is no longer available you will be told to look it up on the web!

Porch Way, N20 


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