Don’t make the north-south divide even worse

Published: 9 June, 2011

• CAMDEN does not end at Euston Road. 

Almost all events that are advertised – from weight programmes, sports events, groups etc – are always in the northern part of the borough. 

Apparently the assessment clinics for podiatry are in the north, the secondary schools are all in the north, if you can’t get your child into a primary school in the south you are advised to try Kentish Town or somewhere in the north (not always easy if you are a working mum). 

People south of Euston Road need schools, access to all the events in the borough, centres for our elderly, funding for play schemes and, especially, for our library in Theobalds Road. The local history part of the library is a great asset and often people who might not have considered it before become interested in their roots. 

The staff in the local history department are exceptionally helpful and will often help you to find pictures of a particular street if you need help. It would be a great pity to move this to somewhere across the borough or, worse, outside London. 

What would be done with the space that this would free up, would it just be mothballed as another part of the library has been?

With unemployment and people retiring earlier surely it makes good sense to keep facilities such as libraries, day centres and sports centres open.

We are frequently told keeping the brain active helps to avoid Alzheimer’s. Not everyone wants to sit watching TV all day.



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