Power of the law

BEFORE installation of gas laterals on Popham 1 estate, I researched the subject on the internet, and pointed out to Homes for Islington (HfI) that the gas laterals were too close to the electric laterals according to the law. HfI said I was wrong. I pointed this out to National Grid. It said I was wrong.

Now the work has commenced, the gas laterals that were installed have been removed by National Grid as they were too close to the electric laterals. Then they took them down when I pointed out they were the wrong pipes. They then installed a third lot of gas laterals.

I have no qualifications in electric or gas issues, yet I seem to be the only person who knows how to use the internet to look up the law.

Chair, Popham 1 Estate Tenants’ and Residents’ Association

Published: 8 July, 2011



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