Federation to lose out?
• CAMDEN has just published a report on its plans for affordable housing.
I am pleased to see some of these proposals for example to reduce the period of council homes being left vacant and to address under-occupation, a real issue when private sector housing is so much more expensive. But I am surprised to see little acknowledgement of the current role of private sector tenancies in housing provision as so many cannot obtain social housing and cannot afford to buy.
Currently this is just about the largest sector of housing in Camden and many private tenants are on low incomes and pay high rents for poorly maintained properties. These tenants also live with the threat of their landlords being able to evict them easily. People who have lived in the area for many years are at risk of losing their homes.
The Camden Federation of Private Tenants had organised a meeting last week to discuss ways in which their security of tenure could be increased or information/advice services protected. Ironically that is when the federation found out that they were to lose their grant despite providing much needed services.
I have asked the council cabinet member, Julian Fulbrook to reconsider and ensure that services for private tenants are properly funded.
Green Party, Highgate ward
Published: 21 July, 2011
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