Debate how to improve standards for tenants in the private rented sector

Published: 7 July, 2011

• CAMDEN Council recently announced that there are now more private tenant households (estimated at 27 to 35 per cent) than council ones (26 per cent) in the borough. 

So we now ask the question: “In a time of reduced resources and increasing numbers of tenants, how can we make sure standards are improved in the private rented sector?

Councillors Thomas Neumark, Chris Naylor, Jonny Bucknell and Maya de Souza, along with William Ford (Osbornes Solicitors) will debate the question on: Tuesday July 12 at 6.30pm in the Camden Federation of Private Tenants Meeting Room, 11-17 The Marr, Camden Street, NW1 0HE.

All private tenants are welcome.

Organiser CFPT
Camden Street


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