Cut those car trips

FIGURES from the recently released Aphekon project show that 25 schools in Islington are near roads carrying 10,000 or more vehicles a day, a level leading European scientists to claim it could be responsible for up to 30 per cent of all new cases of asthma in children.

I hope this will spur the council to do something about the number of car journeys within the borough but I have my doubts, especially given comments directed at myself and others by Councillor Paul Smith as being people with “nothing better to do” when part of the campaign against the ludicrous Roamer parking scheme, which was designed to encourage increased car use. As an asthmatic I can imagine how scary it must be for a child to be struggling for breath, never mind the long-term potential for debilitation and even death.  

Trying to reduce the level of car use in Islington and therefore the cases of asthma, respiratory and heart disease is a very worthwhile use of my time. I hope Cllr Smith will study this report carefully and belatedly come to the same opinion.
Caroline Allen
Islington Green Party

Published: 15th July, 2011


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