Community football pitch falls victim to an unorthodox and shabby process

Published: 7 July, 2011

• THE “free” to access community football pitch on Malden Road bites the dust, with the blessing of councillors and officers.

The pitch, well-utilised by the community, has become the victim of an unorthodox and shabby consultation process.

It has been alleged by some that the pitches were derelict and under-used and, in parts, constituted a hazard. Hence an irrational decision on June 29 to transfer the pitches into the hands of a local association despite strong protest and reservations from elected District Management Committee (DMC) and tenants’ and residents’ representatives.

The wider picture is we will all still have to continue to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of these pitches, as this is one particular clause the local association did not wish to enter into. In essence the local community will now become the part-time users of their own purposely-built amenity space with the added bonus of restricted access in the name of charity.

It was claimed more than 700 invitations were sent to tenants, residents and representatives to discuss this transfer, yet we are led to believe not one person turned up for this process. Is this a democratic “meaningful” consultation under the Housing Act 1985?

As DMC chair I can’t condone or endorse a free community play asset and taxpayer-funded facility being transferred into the management and control of an outside association which is mostly funded by charity donations itself.

Ward councillors have failed to consult the electorate, undermining a fair process.

Chair of Gospel Oak DMC 


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