Why is no cafe allowed?

Published: 27 January, 2011

• THERE was much sadness when we lost Cafe Euro-Med in Kentish Town Road.

For our family, friends and neighbours, it was the site of many happy occasions, including my son’s 18th birthday surprise party.

Now, with more sadness the successor, ITTA pizzas, is to close because of planning problems. It’s hard to understand why since there has been a successful café/restaurant there since 1995.      

I am told that the anti-Cafe Euro-Med/ITTA campaign has been orchestrated by an organisation called Kentish Town Action Group. Who are these people? Who do they represent? Where do they publicise their meetings? 

Kentish Town Road is in decline with several properties already dark and empty. ITTA is an excellent pizza place with an inexpensive and authentic product. Why are we allowing yet another business to be crushed ?

Bartholomew Road, NW5 


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