Religious leaders could learn a lot from William Shakespeare

Published: 13 January, 2011

The quality of mercy is not
It droppeth as the gentle rain
from heaven
Upon the place beneath; it is
twice blest
It blesseth him that gives, and
him that takes,
Tis the mightiest in the mightiest,
it becomes
The throned monarch better
than his crown.

MAYBE if some of these religious leaders like ayatollahs were to read Shakespeare instead of their religious tomes they might become wise like Mandela who when in jail pretended to be reading the Bible but was in fact reading Shakespeare.

In the west we find it insane that women are flogged, tortured, or stoned to death, but remember in the past the Christians were torturing women into saying they were witches and then burning them to death. Sexism is equal to racism in its barbarity and possibly worse, as it never ends.

ANITA BROOKS, Argenta House, NW3  


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