Party rotten at the core
Published: 28 January, 2011
• YOUR article on Lib Dem plans for the next election showed just how cynical and untrustworthy they have become (‘Cynical’ plan by Lib Dems to divide rivals, January 14).
“Create confusion and division”, “Don’t get caught defending the Tories” and “Exploit divisions” are the extent of their plans for a better Islington.
Cross-party initiatives such as the Fairness Commission, an attempt to deal with the cuts the Lib Dem-Tory government is forcing the council to make, are seen, not as positive places in which to contribute to a better borough, but instead as cynical opportunities to create division and opposition at the Town Hall.
Lib Dem group leader Councillor Terry Stacy claims the plans didn’t come from him and certainly aren’t policy, but clearly these documents were thought up and presented by a Lib Dem councillor.
Therefore, something must be rotten at the core of the Lib Dem group which he leads.
If Cllr Stacy truly wants us to believe that he is different from his colleagues, who are part of the attack on public services in Islington, then he should come clean and sack whichever Lib Dem councillor came up with this disgraceful plan.
• COUNCILLOR Terry Stacy, the leader of the Lib Dems, has demonstrated that his group really does have a desire to get re-elected.
The tactics the Lib Dems gave consideration to employing are interesting, if a bit dodgy as, if you sabotage the council, in truth you really only damage Islington.
Amwell Street
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