High speed reasoning

Published: 27 January, 2011

I THINK the reasoning behind locating the terminus of HS2 at Euston and not Paddington is quite clear and not “unspoken” as Councillor Paul Braithwaite makes out to be in his letter (January 13). A connection to HS1 will be made from HS2 at Prim­rose Hill, allow­ing the potential for provincial, for example, Birmingham-Paris through running services (without the need to stop and change in London). 

The HS2 route from Primrose Hill will then head to Euston in tunnel, emerging to make use of the former Royal Mail Euston station at Granby Terrace to form the new throat into Euston Station. 

A detailed pdf map of this arrangement made by Arup exists on the Department for Transport website at http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/rail/pi/highspeedrail/proposedroute/maps/

Choose the pdf with the suffix HS2-ARP-00-DR-RW-04001

Brecknock Road


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