Camra backs publicans in defence of the Grosvenor

Published: 28 January, 2011

• PROPERTY developers appear to be intent upon destroying the Grosvenor Arms pub, a prized local amenity in this part of Mayfair.

What makes the Grosvenor Arms unique in the West End is not just the quality of the beer and food (excellent though these are) but the fact that the publicans, Rosemary John and Alan Weavis, put up their own money to acquire the pub lease and have successfully turned it around into a thriving social establishment. 

They have achieved this after successive brewer/pub company managements simply presided over a steady decline in the pub’s fortunes, and also at a time when other pubs in the neighbourhood are suffering.

Their reward for this success? 

An attempt by the Royal London Asset Management to turf them out. 

Why does it wish to turf them out? Because it thinks that through gaining vacant possession, it can force Westminster City Council into granting planning permission for redevelopment of the site.

Rosemary and Alan have got the Campaign for Real Ale to back them and they are organising a petition to help fight this development. 

North Mayfair Residents Group, Brook Street, W1


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