We’re committed to providing a new play service as a partnership
Published: 3 February, 2011
• UNDERSTANDABLY I am hearing concerns from residents about the impact on services from the large reduction in Camden’s funding from central government.
This is affecting many highly-valued services, of which play is an important one for many in our community.
I know this is worrying and recognise that there are some hard messages for families because of the unprecedented scale of the funding cuts, but Camden is seeking to do the best with greatly reduced resources.
The council have made sure there will be no reduction to the universal play service during the next year 2011-12. This means that, despite all the rumours that are circulating, no play facilities have been earmarked for closure or reduction in the immediate future. The council is committing £1.5million to invest in future local play services, and there is commitment to supporting local organisations continue universal provision alongside developing a new service for children with additional needs .Hopefully this will mean we can retain a play service that looks very much like the existing service, but is not provided directly by the council.
Additionally some schools in Camden are already providing successful extended services, which include breakfast clubs and after-school activities and we will be supporting all our schools to provide similar facilities.
The message from government is that councils should directly run fewer services for all residents and focus the resources for those with additional needs.
However, we are committed to providing this new play service as a partnership and to that end we need to hear the views of local parents and the voluntary and community sector.
We will be setting up a number of forums over the next few months where people can make suggestions for the developing services. This way we anticipate that the reduced funding available will still provide play provision accessible across the whole community.
Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families
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