Radical reforms

Published: 18 February, 2011

• LOCAL authorities have two choices in facing up to the economic challenges: do we dramatically cut the services that matter most to our residents or do we embrace radical reform in the way those services are delivered?

At Hammersmith and Fulham Council, The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council we have opted for the latter by announcing proposals to combine many of our services.

We can no longer afford three separate versions of costly management or overhead costs. Instead we are embarking on a journey towards sharing resources and expertise.

This type of reform will reduce management and overhead costs by 50 per cent potentially saving up to £35million a year collectively. 

We believe it is right to cut duplication in these areas rather than cut service delivery.

However, our commitment to each of our areas, to local accountability and to local decision-making remains as strong as ever. Our residents should not notice the changes we will be making except in some areas where we believe there will be tangible improvements.

This type of reform may be seen as radical now but in years to come it will be seen as the norm.

Leader of Westminster City Council
Leader of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,
Leader of Hammersmith and Fulham Council 


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