My aim as Champion is to raise status of older people
Published: 18 February, 2011
• ONE thing that I want to establish as an Older People’s Champion is that “old” is not a plight (‘Elderly mustn’t be forgotten!’ Duo are ready to champion plight of old, February 11). Older people are exactly like any other kind of adult.
All ages may be affected by ill health, as your mention of my late son Stuart reminds us. We might not all reach the achievements of Rose Hacker, who swept in to deliver an hour’s talk fresh from receiving an award as the world’s oldest journalist (she was 101), but Frances Davidson and I will do our best to ensure the older people of Islington get the respect and encouragement that will empower older people and strengthen the support networks that everyone needs.
There are three main things that I want to achieve during my year as a Champion. Besides raising the status of older people, I want to raise the status of volunteering. Volunteering should not be seen as a way of replacing low-paid workers with unpaid workers, or as just a step towards paid employment, but as a different and extremely rewarding type of work, enabling people of any age to give and receive meaningful support.
Frances and I are not replacing anyone. I’m really proud that the council is giving us a chance to put our experience to new use to improve the prospects for a better experience of older age for all the people in our community.
The third thing I want to achieve is to make much better use of resources.
How many people knew about the facilities at Sotheby Mews before it was threatened with closure? How many people who are defined as too young to use such facilities would benefit? How many people know the route or schedule of the 812 bus, or that you can use it free of charge with a Freedom Pass, but you can also use it without being over 60?
Your readers will have many other suggestions, and I hope will contribute them. To achieve the best outcome for this project we need all the support and inspiration we can get.
Queen’s Head Street, N1
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