Madame Tussauds the place for millionaire politicians?
Published: 11 February 2011
IT'S not a crime to make money but it is a gracious act to spread it to people who, for various reasons, have very little and not enough to allow them to lead a healthy life.
This is particularly true of the young, elderly and disabled. People with money need help to know how to share it in an accessible and just way.
In the UK we are “governed” by David Cameron and Nick Clegg and their gang of inheritance millionaires, who live rent-free and travel-free thanks to Tony Blair’s money-making illegal war in Iraq, which not only cost a fortune but, worse still, was mass murder of British and Americans, plus many innocent Iraqis.
These millionaires seem to think we are all as ignorant as they are. Well we are not and we will out them and who knows what they will do then?
Maybe they will take their places in Madame Tussauds, alongside other reactionaries.
Isla McCalman, NW3
LABOUR in Camden are doing right thing in asking wealthy residents for voluntary contributions.
Services face severe cutbacks and with government reducing funds. Those who can afford to help support important council work should be encourage, they’ll be helping their neighbours and local area. No donations are compulsory, but poorer residents would be very grateful.
Andrew Duncan Bloomsbury
A PROPER tax on the banks could raise £20billion in the UK to help those hit by the financial crisis.
I want to see a tax that would make Robin Hood proud.
Sabine McNeill , Address supplied
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