Young with little to lose

Published: 18 August, 2011

• AS a long-standing Spurs supporter I have read Richard Osley’s inveterate Arsenal column with scorn for a long time.

However, he has now become respectable and intelligent (at last) in my eyes by his column (Tweet smell of success is not enough, Rio, August 11).

What he says about our kids in today’s society is so correct and sensible that it makes all the politicians’ and party leaders’ outbursts seem the guff that they are with their talk of revenge and punishment and depriving the poor of their measly benefits.

These politicos are only concerned with how they look in their voters’ eyes but appearing tough solves nothing and the gap between the poor and the rich grows bigger every year and what do young kids have to look forward to?

So the shooting by the police of a black man in Tottenham sparks a protest which is ignored by the police and, hey presto, the city is soon burning caused by those young hoodies who have nothing to lose and swamp the lawful protest.

They hate the awful living conditions in Tottenham so they try to burn them down and they are eager to get hold of the best TVs and trainers.

Then disaffected youth in other parts of London and other cities see the pictures on TV and copy if not compete with them and the politicians do not know what to do except vow revenge on the young poor who feel alienated.

Byron Mews, Hampstead


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