London Riots – Disorder is unacceptable

Published: August 11, 2011

THE present outbreak of civil disorder is unacceptable.

Those responsible for the arson and looting should, when brought to justice, receive realistic jail sentences.

The vast majority of people in this state obey the law which applies to all. No exceptions.

The government must cease its policy of reducing the numbers employed in the police service, the fire brigades and the NHS ambulance services. Those employed as police or firefighters risk their lives daily in our name. Civil society is dependent upon them. Also, an adequate defence force must be maintained to deter invaders.

As a reminder of how things were, the Festival Hall on the South Bank is hosting an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Festival of Britain – 1951 was just six years after the end of the Second World War, which left the UK weakened economically. Yet under a Labour government the foundation of the welfare state was established, leading to decent housing for the masses, NHS, etcetera.

It was people’s determination that pre-war conditions would not be tolerated. Through their labour and taxes, a decent society came about.

Look at the free films being shown and note neatness of dress and standards of behaviour too. No rags with backsides exposed then! Dress affects mental attitude.

Permisiveness in moral standards led to many women being abandoned to raise children without a male partner.

Previously, society expected people to marry once a woman was pregnant.

Responsibility for the family made sense. Kids need dads too.
Skip Murphy
Prince of Wales Road, NW1


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