Unfair to motorists
Published: 7 April, 2011
• IF you are paying for a parking permit in Camden then you are paying too much unless you happen to own a vehicle that is over 25 years old where you are issued with a free permit.
In Camden I have been requesting a refund as I believe that the system in place for these permits is flawed and penalises drivers who happen to own cars of a higher engine capacity. The reasoning behind this is that these vehicles produce higher CO2 emissions. OK I fully accept that some might but vehicles over 25 years old probably produce a whole lot more and yet they are exempt from paying anything and the “reason” behind this is explained in a letter to me from one of Camden senior customer support officers stating: “…‘classic cars’ were likely to do low mileage and as such the decision was made to make these type of vehicles exempt from resident permit charges”.
So Camden are assuming that these classic do less mileage without any proof offered. Ultimately we are being sold a parking permit regardless of size, weight or length or mileage driven of our vehicle but dependent on age and engine capacity. This is wrong. A parked car produces zero emissions. The permit we pay for should be renamed and either we all pay the same fixed, fair, charge, or we are all exempt (highly unlikely) or we are charged on the actual mileage we do (verified by producing an MOT or other evidence).
If you feel you are being treated unfairly I urge you to write to Camden and let your feelings be known.
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