Trucks, 4x4s, tractors... it’s the park Motor Show
Published: 21 April, 2011
• WHY is there no talk of reducing expenditure on the mutilation of trees while so many front-line services and jobs are to go?
At Waterlow Park in Highgate on most weekdays an endless pageant of large vehicles owned by Camden Council and its contractors pointlessly circuits the park – 4x4s, pick-up trucks, vans, tractors, minibuses... it’s like the Motor Show.
The park is approximately 250 square metres in area. There is no need for vehicles whatsoever, and there was none before 2007.
They are there because the staff evidently won’t walk anywhere or use wheelbarrows.
When not driving around the narrow sloping paths forcing people with young children and dogs to get out of the way, the staff are busy lopping and hacking bushes and trees or leaf-blowing empty paths every month of the year, regardless of whether there are actually any leaves around.
So, if you wish to see a complete waste of council money, with the additional bonus of seeing it spent in the cause of rendering a public park dangerous, polluted and stressful, Waterlow Park is the place.
Hornsey Lane, N6
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