What about this pay-off?

Published: 10 September, 2010

• I DON’T understand why the Lib Dems are complaining about the £45,000-a-year spin doctor-advisor as what has occurred is precisely what would occur under them (Policy aide or spin doctor? Labour’s advisor is on track for £45,000 salary, September 3).

The Lib Dems did not perform well at the last election.

In fact, they withered in Islington.

They need to come to terms with that fact, If they wish to generate issues about equality, then why does their leader locally not have the decency and the dignity to put his personal prejudices aside and represent the people who have elected him by turning up to the Fairness Commission? Perhaps he could argue his case there or, better still, explain why the equalities officer got a pay-off close to six figures when his party was in power.    

Amwell Street, EC1

• I COULDN’T believe my eyes when I read your article on Labour councillors giving their spin-doctor-in-chief a huge pay rise. 

How can they justify this in the current economic climate? It is particularly insensitive when residents are facing cuts in services and possible redundancy if they work for the council.  

The Labour head of office will be jumping up four pay grades when other council staff can only go up two at most and only for exceptional service.

How has this pay hike been allowed? Why aren’t the unions jumping up and down?

Petherton Road, N5


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