Our centre is in danger

Published: 17 September, 2010

• I AM writing to alert readers to the impending destruction of Highbury Roundhouse, which has served residents of all ages and all walks of life over the past 37 years.

The council officers give as their reason for tearing down the community centre that it is allegedly unsafe and that demolition would be cheaper than undertaking repairs, which have been neglected for many years. 

The Roundhouse has obtained professional advice that the building is safe, though it needs monitoring, and it has challenged the council’s preliminary estimate that it would cost £500,000 to preserve most of the building and rebuild the west wall.

Whatever happens in the borough is subject to political direction. The new administration has declared its support for Highbury Roundhouse. Therefore, I am asking Tribune readers to add their voices in support of the Roundhouse by writing to Councillor Catherine West, the council’s leader, who is in a position to put things right. 

Her email address is catherine.west@islington.gov.uk.

In the coming weeks we shall be mounting a campaign to Save the Roundhouse and ensure that it has a permanent place in the life of Highbury.
William Ellington
Chairman of Highbury Roundhouse
Calabria Road, N5


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