Fragmentation of NHS

Published: 23 September, 2010

• YES! The NHS is at a crossroads, (Forum by Dr Rhiannon Lloyd, September 16).

The recent rush of changes ignore what patients and the general public want. Why is there a sudden surge in patients now when services are being cut and reorganised, so that everyone is confused about where to go for advice and treatment? This was not recognised or paid for by central health bodies, forcing Camidoc into desperate measures. However splendid Harmoni (GP co-op) may be, it is part of an increasingly fragmented NHS rife for private take-overs. 

Companies bidding for contracts are often in a position to pump money in while they consolidate their control and knowledge of the local NHS structure – then we shall rapidly see creeping costs, higher taxes to pay for these costs and shrinking services.

The values of the NHS are being lost in an ill-informed rush to change.
Sheila Patton, NW5


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