Film ban is really not the answer

Published: 3 September, 2010

• I HAVE no great wish to see A Serbian Film but am utterly opposed to censoring it or anything else (X-rated, ‘FrightFest’ organisers scrap premiere of ‘sick’ film, August 27).

Those who want something banned because they find it offensive should simply refrain from watching it and realise that their oversensitive egos are no reason for banning anything.

All laws against free speech, be the excuses for them obscenity, blasphemy, racism, homophobia or adverts, should be repealed.

I have watched video nasties without killing or raping anybody.

I have watched adverts without buying the products.

I have less willpower than most.

The freedom of the majority should not be curtailed because a minority can’t handle it.

Venner Road, SE26


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