Don’t blame caretakers

Published: 9 September, 2010

• FURTHER to the letter (Costs of caretaking, September 2) I wish the council would tell these tenants that the £8 per week for a caretakers service is incorrect.

In fact a small percentage is for caretakers, the rest is for management, estate officers, repairs lighting, and the general running of the buildings that we live in.

As for the mess on the balconies/ stairwells this is down to the tenants themselves, dragging rubbish and dumping household refuse and leaving it by empty bins for the caretakers to clean up.

I wish everyone would think before they write and stop blaming the caretakers for everything that goes on in the council.

The tenants should ask the council for a break-down on their services which they pay for and to stop everyone picking on the caretakers.

As a tenant I have no complaints about our caretaker who is always willing to help.

Castle Road, NW1


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