Store war over chairs

Published: 14 October, 2010

• I HAVE been battling for more than a year with Sainsbury’s to provide chairs at its Mornington Crescent branch.

I’m afraid Sainsbury’s is hiding behind our crazy health and safety laws, which state that shopkeepers are not obliged to provide for customers’ wellbeing; in other words, it depends on how much you value and respect your customers.

When I had my small music shop in Camden, I provided two chairs (one at each counter).

I have now requested that MP Frank Dobson take matters further. I have also asked Sainsbury’s to provide a few wheelie-baskets for heavier items.

This request was refused on grounds of theft.

This could easily be dealt with by an observant security guard at the door, or by properly trained staff who would then request the basket’s return.

Oakley Square


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