FORUM: In a changing world, how do we fund our future?

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Daniel Astaire: Pledge to protect the vulnerable

Published: 1 October, 2010

In an era of cuts, coupled with increased demand for social care, local authorities have to make some tough choices

LOCAL authorities across the country are currently facing some of the most pressing policy considerations the country has faced in a generation – how we can continue to provide first- class adult services in a changing world?

In the context of the current economic climate, reductions in public sector funding, an ageing population and increased demand for adult social care services, our current ways of delivering services are simply not sustainable.

In Westminster, we are facing the most dramatic budget cuts in a generation, rising costs and a 10 per cent increase in demand for adult social care over the past two years. 

It is estimated that over the next 10 years the council will see a further 20 per cent increase in demand for services from an ageing population, based on trends and information from youth services. 

We won’t be able to do all that we have done previously. 

We have, however, publicly pledged that we will do all we can to protect the most vulnerable. For this reason, we are throwing open our doors to external scrutiny and have set up a high-powered independent Social Care Commission.

Over the next three months, Baroness Sally Greengross, an independent crossbench member of the House of Lords since 2000, and former director general of Age Concern England, will lead the wide-ranging review to explore how we can develop social care services to ensure they continue to be fit for purpose into the next decade.

She will be joined by a raft of other social care experts including Tom Wright, chief executive of Age UK, and Martin Green, chief executive of the English Community Care Association.

The commission will have the opportunity to observe at close hand the workings of a top-performing council, provide insights and help guide the future path of adult social care in Westminster and advise us on the best way to deliver excellent social care services in light of the future pressures we will all face.

Over a series of meetings, it will hear evidence from social care professionals as well as service users, carers and providers of services. 

A report and recommendations will be published in December.

The commission will aim to answer five questions looking at specific themes, including personalisation of social care, how international best practice can be implemented, partnership working, future funding and value for money, and the likely impact of GP commissioning.

In addition it will look at the feasibility of joint commissioning of our adult services department with other London local authorities in order to provide users with a better and more secure service in the future.

We are currently in the process of merging our schools and children’s services department with Hammersmith and Fulham Council. 

However, we and Hammersmith and Fulham and Kensington and Chelsea are considering a whole series of service mergers to cut costs and drive up efficiency.

It is impossible to pre-judge the outcomes of the commission’s report but this could be one of the recommendations.

We have already  made substantial savings by restructuring departments to meet future care needs and by streamlining back office functions, as well as carrying out increased joint working with other organisations such as the NHS. 

Over the next three years, the council expects to make £3.9million worth of savings from its £89m social care budget.

The commission’s findings will help to inform local and national thinking, including the government’s own social care commission, which is expected to publish findings and recommendations in July 2011. 

Fortunately in Westminster, we start this debate from a position of strength, having laid the foundations for a  service that respects  and encourages personal responsibility and choice.

But I have no doubt that we – like other local authorities – are going to have to look to innovate and consider new ways of doing things to ensure we are able to meet rising public expectations and provide services to the most vulnerable and those most in need.

DANIEL ASTAIRE is Westminster City ­Council’s Cabinet ­Member for Society, Families and Adult Services.


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