Bring campaigner Tom home to be among friends
Published: 21 October, 2010
• IT came as a great shock to read, that Somers Town’s Tom Costello had been rushed out of Camden and transferred to a “private” hospital in Northampton.
I was one of several people (friends and relatives) who volunteered to rally round with support for Tom and was under the impression that local voluntary organisations such as The Umbrella Group and Mind had been approached for additional help. Tom, I believed, would be returning (with community support) to his home in Somers Town for a trial period. It now appears this programme was summarily aborted.
Tom has been a life-long campaigner on numerous local issues and was a constant thorn in the side of the Camden establishment who now have his life in their hands.
Tom and those of us who know him, have been appalled at the nature of his treatment, which we believe caused his condition to worsen.
There are many questions, in particular, why after almost six months of dither the public authorities have reached the wrong decision and transferred him to a private facility outside of Camden.
Cost is not the issue, it is far cheaper to care for Tom in Camden.
I do not doubt that Tom proved to be an awkward patient. “Think of Jack Nicholson in One Flew over the Cuckoo Nest” is how one of Tom’s regular visitors described the situation.
However he still deserves to be treated respectfully and offered the opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities in the friendly environment of his lifelong home, supported by his friends and relatives.
I’m sure Camden’s voluntary mental health sector on which so many ill persons will depend in the future would also be willing to assist with his care.
Liz Ryan
Hadley Street, NW1
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