Rebuilding Wonderland!

Published: 18 November, 2010

• CAMDEN are considering moving over 5,000 tenants from their homes while they rebuild an area of public housing “they created”.

Councillors are discussing the displacement of families to be able to build a new glorious future for new previous residents. But they gain revenues from selling areas to private developers (£110­million in the report) and they increase the density of the population.

Previously the very old tenants were displaced and rehoused in barrack block terraces the council built.

The new influx of residents will be relocated until “wonder­land” is rebuilt.

The council’s advisers use the words “decant the tenants” to other sites and the families as “units”.

Joseph Stalin would be proud of Camden Council.

I am a resident of 50 years (pre Camden grand plan of 1960s) and the documents I examined had all financial costs and gains blacked out, so as a ratepayer I get to pay for it but am not told what it costs.

Elaine Grove, NW5 


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