Lansley’s pledge

Published: 27 May, 2010

• WE’RE pleased to see that new health minister Andrew Lansley has confirmed his pledge made before the election to save the Whittington’s accident and emergency unit will be upheld.

This will be a great relief to the many people living in the area, including residents in Highgate ward, Camden.
It also finally represents a great success for the local campaign, as he, unlike the minister from the last administration who visited before the election, actually has the power to save the Whittington.

However, what we now need in Camden in respect of any proposed change in healthcare provision in London is real community dialogue and discussion by the primary care trust and wider NHS.
From what the government has said, cuts of some sort will need to be made if wars are to be fought, Trident renewed and tax frozen.

What we don’t want to see is a new healthcare plan imposed on Camden’s residents without  proper dialogue.
The Greens will continue to demand real discussion and dialogue which involves putting the full facts and choices directly to the public and relevant organisations, as well as to Camden’s health scrutiny committee at an early stage, so that plans can be influenced from the outset.

We will also seek to demand accountability of the primary care trust to the public through these committees.
The community should not in the future be left in a position that it is forced to mount a campaign of this sort.
Green Party, Highgate ward


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