Free food... and cash
Published: 28 May, 2010
• SOME people only seem happy if they can stop other people doing things (Letters, May 21). I go to these boring meetings because there is usually free food and when they are over we get the £20 attendance payment.
The council, primary care trust and the foundation trust have to hold these meetings to satisfy the government and they would look pretty stupid if no one came.
They know who will attend and encourage us to bring friends, and we do. What’s wrong with that – everyone is happy. How we spend those payments is our business.
The chair of Islington Borough User Group and the service user involvement co-ordinator from the foundation trust have told us we don’t need to declare these payments, which are just expenses.
Surely, that’s why they pay in cash. It would be better if J Fox stopped being annoyed and simply asked to be added to the list of regular attendees.
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