An exciting opportunity

Published: 13 May, 2010

• WE congratulate those newly elected to Camden Council.
Labour’s return opens up an exciting opportunity for everyone in Camden to work together to put a stop to attacks on services and jobs in the borough. This means we all face a huge challenge in the coming months.
Stopping housing sell offs; ending privatisation and bringing caretakers and others services back in house; scrapping plans for education cuts in Camden and making sure investment in our schools is based on need; ending bonus hand outs to top council managers; ensuring workers across Camden are paid at least the £7.60 an hour London living wage… these are what people who voted for the council are hoping for.
But we all know the government will be committed to huge public spending cuts. That makes it crucial that we have a council that doesn’t just blame the government, but is prepared to stand up and be counted to defend local people’s interests.
If the council makes a stand to defend services and jobs you will get massive support from across Camden.
We look forward to working together to make sure we are successful in winning the services that local people need and deserve.
We hope this process starts as soon as possible with a meeting bringing together councillors and the whole community to plan the campaign.
Chair Camden
Federation of TRAs
Secretary Camden Trades Council
No Housing Sell Offs campaign and Chair CASP
Camden Defend Council Housing
Secretary Camden Unison
Joint Chair Camden Unison


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