All is not lost

Published: 27 May, 2010

• FRIENDS of Heath Library in Keats Grove, Hampstead, which include writer and publisher Nicola Beauman and journalist Ruth Gorb, are justified in their criticism of the recent refurbishment.

This is especially as the Friends inject much money into this unique library, enabling it to provide a large range of expensive weekly magazines and to regularly to feature a variety of eminent speakers.

However, all is not lost.
The tasteless murals can quickly be obliterated with white paint and the seating can be rearranged, so that the “quiet” area isn’t near the entrance.

The self-service technology for users to check in and out borrowed books may have reduced staff but there are still plenty of books in the library.
Camden have kept all their many libraries open – some with late opening hours, and several, including Heath Library, are open on Sundays.
Fitzjohns Avenue, NW3


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