Westminster's housing policies - We’ve no plans to ‘squeeze the poor’, says Cllr Philippa Roe

Published: 12th March 2010

• THE claims by Karen Buck on Westminster’s housing policies (Return of ‘slum landlordism’? March 5) simply have no substance.
I would reiterate that we are in no way trying to “squeeze the poor out”. It is abundantly clear in our plans, which are publicly available, that what we are in fact trying to do is to increase the number of affordable homes in Westminster to help those in housing need.
Through our renewal plans, which focus on five neighbourhoods – Church Street, Tollgate Gardens, Ebury Bridge, Brunel and the Westbourne Green area – we also want to provide a better range of community and retail facilities, improve open spaces and boost training and employment for local people.
Our goal is to improve the homes and lives of the people living in these areas and I am confident that any plans will represent a tremendous opportunity for residents.
We hope many of your readers will want to participate in the detailed discussions taking place in the coming months as residents, council officers and renewal specialists work together to develop specific proposals for estates and neighbourhoods.
Our aim is to ensure these proposals reflect what residents want and will genuinely enhance local business opportunities and create more homes and jobs.
I will work to ensure local people are involved every step of the way and that this process is open and transparent throughout.
Visit www.westminster.gov.uk/ housing renewal or call 020 7641 3097 to speak to a council officer about the strategy.
Cabinet Member for Housing
Westminster Council


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