Now the other parties must come clean on Sobell future

Published: 5 March 2010

• THANKS to Andrew Myer and the Green Party for the clear statement of policy concerning the future of the Sobell Centre (Threat to family silver, February 19).
Sobell users and Islington residents find such position statements very useful and, in the lead-up to the council election, it will be extremely helpful if all other Islington political parties can provide a similar statement for voters’ consideration.
On behalf of users, I invite all other parties to provide their own statements of policy on the key community issue of the future of the Sobell Centre.
Another letter concerning Sobell (February 19) asks the question: “Who wants our vote?”
When residents compare policy statements from all parties, they will be able to cast their vote in an informed way. We need an interpretation of the awful catch-all phrase “leisure-led, mixed-use site” being used in the consultation on core strategy planning and confirmation of the extent of public consultation that has been undertaken on this matter.
I look forward to reading what all other Islington political parties have to say.
If a party chooses not to respond, I’m sure voters will note this.
Sobell users’ representative


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