Give us a yes-or-no vote on health service privatisation

Published: 4 March 2010

• A WINDOW of opportunity opens to show unambiguously, do you want a privatised NHS. Yes or No?

Camden activists proposed a postal referendum to find the borough electorate’s opinion, and asked the council to use for this purpose newly permitted legislation. It declined.

The British Medical Association petitioned Downing Street against privatisation with 1.3million signatures in June 2008. To be answered with a speed-up of the process…

Now it has launched another campaign, simply asking the public at large “Help us campaign.”
However, the broth of problems facing the public is boiling over, and the BMA’s may be lost in the added steam of a general election.

With Dr Iona Heath of the Caversham Practice in Kentish Town, now President of the Royal College of GPs, could not it and the BMA, with offices in Camden, arrange a postal ballot of Camden’s electorate?

Held, say, between April 7 and 13, and the results given that week-end, a clear signal, one way or the other, would go out to the country and future government, of how one constituency views “Our NHS”.
Alan Spence
Russell Chambers, WC1A


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