Reclaim the towpath

Published: 17 June, 2010

• THE sad story about an incompetent cyclist on the canal towpath, killing a gosling was an accident waiting to happen (Letters, June3).

It is not just goslings, of course. A pedestrian warned me the other day to beware an approaching cyclist.

No “ting ting” from most of them, racing as if there was a yellow jersey up for grabs; why do so many cyclists treat pedestrians, as well as fauna, as an unwelcome nuisance?

There should be chicane-like barriers placed at various points on the towpath, thus requiring cyclists to slow down and, in some cases, to dismount. These should be placed either side of bridges and at blind corners, and on long straights.

Better policing of the towpath, a footpath not a cycle path remember, would be good, too, as would some show of concern and action from British Waterways.

Perhaps a speed limit for cyclists? Cyclists need to mend their ways, not just their punctures.

Perhaps the government should consider an additional tax on bicycle sales, and bicycle spares, hypothecated so as to fund safety measures for perambulators and goslings.

Meanwhile, I shall continue to stand in the way of speeding cyclists on the towpath, especially those who have not yet worked out how to ting their bell politely!  Pedestrians should exercise their right to walk in safety, gather in groups, especially at the morning and evening rush hours, and reclaim the towpath from these louts.
Reachview Close, NW1


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