Pet food for thought…

Published: 17 June, 2010

• ON the same day that the letters about killing unwanted calves appeared in the New Journal (June 10) the BBC TV programme Countryfile had an item about goat farming.

It said over 80,000 male kid goats are shot within hours of birth.

Comparatively few are allowed to mature (for breeding purposes).

A goat farmer was reluctant to say how many he killed annually; he conceded only that “lots” were exterminated.

The female goats are farmed for their milk and its derivative, goats’ cheese.

By making such facts known, the New Journal helps to raise public awareness of our callous abuse of these animals.

And, what’s the source of food for the dogs, that are paraded around Primrose Hill? The words “horse”and “greyhound” provide a clue.
King Henry Road, NW3


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