Little time for parking?

Published: 24 June, 2010

• CAMDEN Council sent letters to everyone on my road informing them of plans to “improve the footways”, which will require suspension of parking bays.

The work will go on from July 19 to August 13, from 8am until 6pm.

The council advises that we “check notices fixed to posts and lamp columns” and other notifications of parking restrictions.

All that makes sense but the letter also asks us to check the parking restrictions daily before 8am, as changes to the programme are sometimes unavoidable.

This is totally unrealistic.

Some people work nights and don’t get to bed until the early hours, therefore not getting up until well after 8am; others are rushing to get to work and don’t always have the extra time to check for parking restrictions.

Even if we do see that parking is being suspended that day, there isn’t always a spare place to move the car to at that hour of the morning.

Surely residents can be given at least one day’s notice about any changes! The only alternative is to not park on our road at all during the course of the works, which would make things extremely difficult for residents.

Address supplied, NW6


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