Kids are sweeties!

Published: 11 June, 2010

• MY daughter went off to the N1 centre with a friend, both 13, they where too early for the shops so window-shopped until the stores opened, first on their list being the squeeky new Cyber Candy on the High Pavement, Upper Street.

When the store opened they eagerly entered with their pocket money at the ready… only to be told: “sorry no children allowed in without an adult” and so had to leave. Please, local shops, these young kids big and ugly as they are (not in our case of course!) are the offspring of us that made such shops “retro” in the first place.

More to the point they are the ones who will remember their treatment when “retro” is just old again. Think of the kids. Most of them are really OK and will not run out with armfuls of Black Jacks (that was us and we were running from Woolworths).



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