Right on!
Published: 8 July, 2010
• YOUR item on David Miliband only confirms my belief in his disdain for the working class and their desperate plight for affordable social housing among other things.
He must be feeling really peeved that he is no longer holding high office as foreign secretary and having all those high-flier perks like people opening doors for him, taken away from him and now has to mix with us proletariat!!
David Miliband is climbing that greasy poll for the New Labour leadership and his politics and style smacks of a Tony Blair Mark II, coming from that same right-wing mould.
Bet his father, Ralph, would be turning in his grave seeing his son openly advocating support for the war in Iraq and now the Afghanistan war.
Won’t (New) Labour ever learn that unless they reverse the damage of the right-wing takeover into a Tory-like party by Blair and Brown, and sometimes even being more right-wing than the Tories, they will never be re-elected.
There is nothing old fashioned about holding socialist values and Marxian analytical tools!
In fact in the present crisis of capitalism they are needed more than ever.
Tavistock Place, WC1
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