A new script for Mozart?

Published: 23 July, 2010

• I HAVE just finished reading your article (Gangs fight ‘like a scene from a war’, July 16) that occurred in and around the Mozart estate area.

I actually live in the Mozart estate area and have done all my life.

I am familiar with the serious crime-related problems that exist in my area and the devastating consequences for some families and individuals.

So I have chosen my neighbourhood as the inspiration for a script I am currently working on, called Mozart.

In short it is about a young orphan living on the Mozart estate who is influenced by criminality but can choose a positive role model.

Such a message is reflected throughout your article and emphasised by police Detective Chief Superintendent Sue Hill.

I am concerned, too, about the crime culture that is destroying the community and the people in it and have been working on initiatives that could help raise awareness about causes and consequences of crime.

My script is one of the ways I would like to engage the youths and I would like to cast members of the community (from Mozart) for the film and use the stories, content, plot, as an opportunity for people to educate themselves about the detrimental effects of crime.

Another initiative is the DF-L Campaign (Don’t Fear – Love) which is an anti-fear, anti-crime campaign aimed at 11 to 25-year-olds.

I would really like to be an ambassador for any scheme aimed at tackling the issues in Mozart.

Name and address supplied, W9


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