Figuring out education cuts

Published: 15 July, 2010

• IT is not only Michael Gove who has got some of his facts wrong in his statement about cancelling funding to rebuild secondary schools.

The figures being put about by the Camden Tories and Liberal Democrats about the supposed shortfall of primary school places in the north west of the borough are widely inaccurate. 

The actual shortage of places as at the beginning of July is just 11 across the borough not the hundreds they claim for the north west.

There may well be a case for more primary provision in the north west of the borough but the spending of some £20million on a new school as the previous administration in Camden “decided” should only be done after accurate data have been produced and a range of other options investigated.

New Journal readers will recall that the “price” of this decision was to postpone indefinitely essential repairs to five of our primary schools.

The Camden Labour Party is committed to a fair for all in Camden education policy, not one based on purely sectional and party political interests.

They have pledged to reverse the decision to take the funding away from the five schools.

Oak Village, NW5


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