Putting the record straight

Dr Mark Hunt (Forum, January 21) hopes that he “will help put the record straight” on his company’s bid to run the proposed GP-led health centre (GPLHC) in Hampstead Road which has now been postponed until appropriate local consultation.
Much of what he says the centre would provide is already available at GP surgeries under long-standing NHS contracts such as “immediately necessary treatment” and “temporary resident” arrangements.
The GP co-operative, CAMIDOC, has been providing all the other services when surgeries are closed for many years.
However it is what Dr Hunt doesn’t tell you that needs to be “put straight” for the record.
First a major aim of the national policy is to commission new primary care services by competitive market tendering, whether they are actually needed or not, and open up GPLHCs all over the country.
Contracts are awarded to “‘alternative providers” who are all too often private health care companies.
In effect this is a policy to privatise any part of the NHS which is seen by the market to be profitable.
In Dr Hunt’s case this is Care UK, a private company with shareholders.
In addition to “generating profit” for improving services and making enough for GPs’ salaries, shareholders will expect a return on their capital investment and a regular dividend. This is all at the expense of public NHS money.
I have heard Dr Hunt say last year that he does not feel able to practise his profession in the way that he feels he should be able to within the current NHS.
I suggest that he should have the strength of his conviction and set up truly independent services.
He should leave the National Health Service and allow those of us who struggle to improve health services within the constraints of publicly accountable funding to get on with it, in accordance with the founding principles of the NHS.
For the benefit of everybody.
Leighton Grove, NW5


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