Let’s ditch all the bigotry against our young people - Hoodies are human beings too. . .

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Hoodies are human beings too. . .

ALL I seem to read about is teenage hooded thugs terrorising people and running amok. But the teenagers I have met seem to be completely different: most are respectful, helpful and peaceful young people who just want to get on with their lives.
I was recently on a bus and just because some teenagers were being excitable and playing some quiet music they got shouted at I still have no idea why.
As a disabled person I have some trouble getting around and I have often been helped by teenagers to get off the bus with my trolley or just letting me through a door, standing aside to make it easier on a narrow pavement etc. I have been helped by teenagers far more than I have by adults.
To most adults I seem to be a nuisance – someone who does not deserve any respect as a human being and who can be barged, tutted at or even screamed at. But I have never had such treatment from teenagers.
Fashion is just fashion and I am sure many can remember teddy boys, mods and rockers, punks, goths, neo romantics etc. An item of clothing does not make a person a demon and I think it is time adults grew up. A hood does not mean the wearer is going to mug you or be offensive. Grabbing your belongings and staring at them must only make them upset. It also does not mean that it gives anyone the right to attack the wearer for being young. Playing music and being exuberant is surely part of youth and when adults take away the youth clubs why are there complaints about young people getting together on street corners and in parks etc? I have come across large groups of teenagers and never had a problem (but then I would not presume to approach them and tell them to be quiet or disperse). Indeed, if people spoke to me like that I may feel like answering back and without adult sensibilities I may even be offensive.
But usually they just give me some room to get through or ask if I am ok or do I need some help. I have never been threatened or abused by these groups and in general they all seem like nice people, who when treated with respect are respectful back.  
Of course as in all age groups not everyone is on a constructive path but that is a human condition not just the young.
Surely people can remember what it was like to be that age, worried about exams, family, relationships, being hormonally charged and having nowhere to go to just be yourself with your friends?
So if young people are playing music on the bus and talking loudly or hanging out on a street corner, do not be scared or attack them, they are just trying to enjoy their lives before responsibility overwhelms them.
Fashions and music change but they are still just teenagers.
Bigotry is bigotry whoever it is directed at and it is not ever a good thing to regard a whole group by the actions of a few, or by your own preconceived ideas.
A hood does not make the wearer an evil thing that it is ok to abuse, it is just a hood.
Maddie Morgan
Camden Road, NW1


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